I Aim High
And we’re back to the story! Hey, there’s the photo too! Whaddya know. 🙂 The travel poster in the background is actually an old one I did for the comic back around the time I started, so it’s nice to find a place to put it in the comic proper.
For patrons, +$5 folks get another inked page early while everyone gets the exclusive peeks into upcoming pages. I’m looking into finding ways to record making pages so maybe I can start adding videos. I’ll let y’all know when anything comes of that. 🙂 As always, you all make my week with reading and supporting the comic, and I couldn’t do it without you. <3
This Friday we’ll be at NYCC, just as con-goers, though. I’m still easy to spot if you’d like to say hi, though, I’ll be the lady with glasses and very purple hair. Haven’t been to the con in…I wanna say 9 years, so this is gonna be an experience.
Next week we continue with why Ms. Vesey is looking so sad. See you then!